Become a Speaker
Share your knowledge and experience with thousands of teachers around the world
What Is The Educator Excellence Summit?
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Offer accessible teaching trainings and education with a focus on real-world learning techniques
Reach the 90%+ of teachers who cannot attend in-person conferences every year because of time or monetary constraints
Maintain our audience up-to-date on the newest and most innovative teaching strategies

Why Become a Speaker?
You Will Also Get
Shared revenue opportunity
Free access to all presentations and resources
National and international exposure for your ideas
Letter acknowledging your presentation and professional contributions.
Meet some Of Our Past Speakers

Allison Wienhold

Claudia Elliott


Bertha Delgadillo

Diego Ojeda

Jenniffer Whyte

Joshua Cabral

Michelle Rojas

Knikki Hernández

Jazz Cole

Bryce Hedstrom

Ashley Mikkelsen
What Our Past Speakers Say
2023 World Language Teacher Summit

"I had a huge increase in my subscribers list, many attendees reached out to me to give me great feedback, and I also enjoyed watching my fellow educators' presentations.
Your amazing communication and organizational skills made everything easier and enjoyable. I look forward to being able to participate in future conferences!"
2023 World Language Teacher Summit

"I wanted to take a moment and share my appreciation for allowing me to be a part of the World Language Teacher Summit this fall. I have attended previous summits and followed many of the presenters learning much along the way. It was truly humbling to be able to share the things I have found successful in the classroom with so many WL teachers. I have had several reach out to me and it has been a joy to communicate and brainstorm with them."
2023 Back-to School and New Teacher World Language Teacher Summit

"Thank you so much for the opportunity to present this summer. I had a great time and loved being able to connect and share with so many colleagues from around the world.
Can't wait til next year! I would love to take part again!"
2023 World Language Teacher Summit

"I am thankful for the opportunity to present this year. Jared and Dianne do such a great job. These conferences are amazing and make things so accessible. I benefited so much from the speakers I have listened to. I’m going to keep listening to the rest and will keep growing. Thank you again for your kind words."