Including Authentic Resources Video Bundle

You can jump to any of the super valuable sessions by clicking the speakers below:

Set Yourself Up to Be Digitally Organized this Year

Alasdair E. Harris, Spanish Teacher and Digital Organizer

In her presentation on digital organization, Lisa McHargue offers practical strategies for teachers and online business owners to efficiently sort and manage their digital files, emails, and online resources. She introduces the use of unit hubs for lesson planning and advises against the replication of outdated resources and cluttering valuable digital space. Other tools are recommended for organizing and categorizing various resources with tags for ease of searching.

What's your biggest takeaway from this session?

Integrating #authres in an ADI Classroom

Yulyan Anderson, Spanish Teacher, Author, Co-Founder of PD for Prophase

In this presentation, Haylee Ziegler, a Spanish teacher and co-founder of PD for Prophase, emphasizes the importance of integrating authentic resources in an Acquisition-Driven Instruction (ADI) classroom. She discusses utilizing various authentic resources such as images, videos, texts, and commercials to engage learners and foster cultural competence. Ziegler provides practical strategies for incorporating authentic resources into the classroom, including using them for warm-up routines, MovieTalk, and infographics. She also dispels myths surrounding the use of authentic resources and offers valuable tips for finding and using them effectively.

What's your biggest takeaway from this session?

Transforming Perspectives: Cultivating Culture in Your Curriculum

Allison Perryman, The Cultural Classroom

In this presentation, Allison Perryman emphasizes the importance of confronting personal biases and embracing diversity in the Spanish classroom. She shares a personal story of initially misrepresenting her students' Mexican culture in her classroom, and her subsequent efforts to transform her approach by involving her students in the cultural representation. Perryman stresses the need for a diverse and inclusive curriculum to reflect the increasing diversity in student enrollment, and shares strategies for incorporating authentic cultural elements and promoting inclusivity. Additionally, she highlights the significance of recognizing and addressing biases to create an anti-bias classroom and provides insights on incorporating diverse cultural influences in the curriculum.

What's your biggest takeaway from this session?

Using Comprehensible Poetry in the Spanish Classroom

Diego Ojeda, Teacher trainer, CI author, and creator of #langchat

Diego Ojeda discusses the use of comprehensible poetry in the Spanish classroom to help students engage with Hispanic culture and language. He emphasizes the importance of using authentic and culturally significant materials to make language learning meaningful and experiential for students. Ojeda suggests various strategies for teaching poetry, including using illustrations, reading aloud as a class, teaching new vocabulary, and allowing for multiple interpretations of poems. Overall, the goal is to engage students in the learning process and make the content relevant to their lives and experiences.

What's your biggest takeaway from this session?

La música como herramienta didáctica en el aula de idiomas

Sandra Carrasco, Profesora de Español y Alemán como Lengua Extranjera

Sandra nos propone en esta sesión incorporar la música a nuestra aula de clases en la enseñanza de idiomas, apreciando las ventajas que esta puede traer a nuestros estudiantes, el potencial y la gran herramienta didáctica.

What's your biggest takeaway from this session?

¡Poesía por favor!: Incorporando la poesía en la clase de lenguas mundiales

Regina O'Neal, Profesora de Español

En esta sesión, Regina nos va a hablar acerca de la importancia de incorporar la poesía a las classes.

What's your biggest takeaway from this session?

Cómo utilizar la gamificación en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua

Melisa Patiño Correa, A Traveler Teacher y Profesora de Inmersión

En esta sesión, Melisa nos va a estar compartiendo una herramienta muy interesante que motiva mucho a los estudiantes: la gamificación. Nos mostrará cómo utilizarla para la enseñanza de una segunda lengua.

What's your biggest takeaway from this session?

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